Tuesday, January 01, 2013


What do I want for 2013?

I have noticed that a lot of people have chosen words for their years for the past couple of years.  It is somewhat of a trend.  As I have been contemplating the new year and what I want out of the new year, I have decided to follow the trend and choose a word.  My word this year will be present.  I desire to be present for my life.

I tend to be future focussed.  I care little about the past, and I am thinking always of what I want next.  This year, I am going to try to be in the here and now.

Today at the end of the day--the last day of our break--I became overwhelmingly aware that I had spent little time with my children.  I had spent the day readying us for tomorrow, and I had spent virtually no time enjoying today.  Now, I am not bemoaning myself or saying I am a horrific mother.  My children were well-cared for and had a wonderful day.  They played hard and had a terrific day--one of the best days of the break.  I am bemoaning the fact that -I- missed out on the joy.

I am also not saying that I should have let the house fall to shambles around us, and we should live in squalor while I ride roller-coasters every day with my children.  What I am saying is that I should find time every day to be present and to enjoy my life.

And while I am being present, I am just going to focus on two goals for now until May (when I will set summer time goals):
1.  I will eat healthier, I will cook my children healthy food, and I will encourage them to make healthier food choices.  In pursuit of this goal, I will drink a glass of water before work in the morning, only one cup of coffee a day, and I will not snack.  I will not stay at school past 4, my children will have a healthy snack at home, and I will find at least 5 healthy, easy meals for us to have every week.  I will do Zumba once a week, take a walk with my children once a week, and do some other type of physical activity once a week.  I will blog weekly about our menu, new recipes, and successes and failures.

2.  I will grow closer to God by reading his word and praying before I am too tired to keep my eyes open :-).  I will do this by going to bed earlier, so I will have time to read and digest the day.

And that is it, peeps.  So what are your goals?

1 comment:

Alison said...

I definitely need to work on being more present with my family. I get too preoccupied with what I need or think I need to get done. I like to cook so I will try to think of some easy and healthy (or pretty healthy - I am far from a health nut) recipes that I can share with you.